magisk manager, selinux mode changer

ThisappcanchangemodesofSELinux:Runapp,giverootaccess,selectthemodeyouwantSELinuxtobein(permissiveorenforcing)andthat'sall.Everytime ...,ThisapptoChangetheSELinuxModeandyoucanturnitbackifanyproblemhappensthisAppRequireRootPermissioncausechangingmo...。參考影片的文章的如下:


SELinuxModeChanger APK (Android App)

This app can change modes of SELinux:Run app, give root access, select the mode you want SELinux to be in(permissive or enforcing) and that's all. Every time ...

SELinux Mode Changer (Root) APK for Android Download

This app to Change the SE Linux Mode and you can turn it back if any problem happens this App Require Root Permission cause changing modes require some ...


1. **状态启用**:可以通过`setenforce`命令临时更改SELinux的运行模式,`0`表示禁用,`1`表示启用。 2. **策略调整**:使用`semanage`工具可以修改策略,例如 ...

Chapter 2. Changing SELinux states and modes

When enabled, SELinux can run in one of two modes: enforcing or permissive. The following sections show how to permanently change into these modes.

SELinuxModeChanger | F-Droid

SELinuxModeChanger. 启动时设置SELinux 模式. Sets SELinux into desired mode on each boot. 授權條款: GNU General Public License v3.0 only · 問題追蹤系統 · 原始碼 ...

Releases · MrBIMCSELinuxModeChanger

Simple android app that sets SELinux into desired mode on each boot. I opensourced it because google banned such apps from Google Play.


Simple android app that sets SELinux into desired mode on each boot. I opensourced it because google banned such apps from Google Play. Licence is GPLv3.

[APP][TOOL][2.0+][OFFICIAL]The SELinux Switch

This app allowed the individual to change the SELinux Mode to and from its “Enforcing” and “Permissive” states. What does The SELinux Switch do?

Best SELinux mode changer module? (or why were they all ...

I use SELinuxModeChanger apk to set Permissive mode when my device (Xperia Z5Compact) starts. I would like to use a Magisk module to do it instead.


ThisappcanchangemodesofSELinux:Runapp,giverootaccess,selectthemodeyouwantSELinuxtobein(permissiveorenforcing)andthat'sall.Everytime ...,ThisapptoChangetheSELinuxModeandyoucanturnitbackifanyproblemhappensthisAppRequireRootPermissioncausechangingmodesrequiresome ...,1.**状态启用**:可以通过`setenforce`命令临时更改SELinux的运行模式,`0`表示禁用,`1`表示启用。2.**策略调整**:使用`semanage`工具可以...